Friday, 9 January 2009

We had to conduct a questionnaire to ask 20 candidates. The questions had to be based on the information which will help me to produce my music magazines. This is my questionnaire below:

Questionnaire Analysis

1.What type of music do you listen to?

I decided to ask what type of music people listened to so I can get an idea on what to base my magazine on or combine two different style of music in my magazine. When producing the questionnaire I gave the candidates the choice of picking more than one answer. A lot of people said they listened to most if not all the different types of music. However the majority listen to R’n’B and Hip Hop followed by Rock, Classical, Garage and other which included Dance music. From this analysis the magazine which I will be producing will be an R’n’B and Hip Hop magazine.
2.When would you like the magazine to be published?

While doing my market research I found out the majority of magazine are released weekly however I still wanted to know whether people would prefer to buy it weekly or monthly. The graph shows that 10 people would like the magazine to be published weekly, while 8 people prefer monthly and 2 people said they didn’t mind. So the results are spread out. However I have decided that the magazine will be produced weekly because it will reflect the pricing which the majority of people would pay for the magazine.

3.What magazine extras would you like to receive with the magazine?

The music magazine which are currently on the market offer some of these extra however I wanted to know which items consumers would want to have with the magazine. Again I gave the candidate the option to pick more than one choice. The majority of people picked they will like to receive Tour Dates and Vouchers within the magazine followed by having a free CD. However the disadvantage of this is that the price of the magazine may be increased. Some people wouldn’t want to have anything in the magazine.

4.What colours would you prefer the magazine to be?

I wanted to know which colours the consumers would have like the magazine to be instead of my personal choice. So this would have given a wide range of answers. Also so I would know what colours attracts the consumers. Yet again the candidates had a choice whether to choose more than one answer. The majority choose other colours such as a mixture of two different colours followed by black and silver. This means that the when creating my magazine I would have to follow these colours schemes.

5.How much would you spend on the magazine?

The current market has a wide range of prices so I picked which ones would be suitable for my magazine. So when producing the magazine I would know what prices to put onto it. The majority of candidates pick the range price of under £2.00 followed by £2.00-£3.00. I have decided to produce the magazine weekly the price will also have to affect this because if I was to produce it monthly it would be more expensive due to the time taken and the information put into the magazine.

6.What other features would you like to see in the magazine?

During my research I looked at what was missing in current magazines and ask candidates which ones they would prefer in the magazine. This is so that the magazine can have extra features which consumer will be able to read and not get bored. The majority of candidates would like music reviews to be offered in the magazine followed by gigs and tickets and horoscopes. I feel that I would be able to include all three in the magazine to keep the magazine interesting.

7.What parts of the magazine do you prefer?

By asking which parts of the magazine the candidates prefer, that’s what the magazine would have weekly to keep consumers interested in the magazine. This is so when producing the magazine I will be able to keep the consumers what they want in the magazine. The common answer was interviews which came on top. So when producing my magazine it will contain interviews.

8.If you saw a music magazine in the shop, what would convince you to buy it?

By asking what would interest the consumers to buy the magazine would make sure that when producing the magazine the things that would convince them to by it is standing out. Candidates said that the front cover advertised would convince them to buy the magazine. So the artist who is on the cover of the magazine must be a well-known artist so that more people will be able to buy the magazine.

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